Who is in Your Inner Circle?
Although we do our best every day to surround ourselves with a great group of supporters, sometimes events or situations occur that can prompt disappointment or frustration with those in our inner circle. When these feelings become consistent and hard to ignore, it is most likely a good time to reevaluate the relationship and what you are receiving from it. While none of us are perfect, sometimes there are red flags that we may choose to ignore out of fear of being alone, a belief that a person will change to please us, or the hope that one day, the person will make as much time for us as we make for them.
So, what are some powerful questions to ask yourself while reflecting on your current relationships?
1. Am I getting what I want and/or need from this friendship/relationship on a regular basis?
2. Is this person an energy zapper or an energy producer?
3. Does this person have my back?
4. Is this person honest with me?
5. Does this relationship offer a safe place for me to be myself and for the other person to do the same?
6. Do I feel better about myself after spending time with this person?
7. Do I feel accepted for who I am, even when I’m having a bad day?
8. Do our conversations feel natural, and do I feel heard in all situations and at all times without judgment?
9. Can I trust this person with my secrets and to not talk behind my back?
10. Does this person treat me with kindness and respect in all situations?
If, while asking yourself these important questions, you realize that the relationship is not as meaningful as you would like, it’s always a good idea to compassionately communicate your concerns to the other party and give them a chance to respond and address the issues before making any decisions. In the end, it is up to us to protect ourselves from unhealthy or toxic relationships and surround ourselves with a good support system that boosts us to confidently move forward in life knowing we are unconditionally loved and accepted.
No matter how hard we try to avoid ending relationships that don’t work for us anymore, it is always a good idea to step back, ponder all interactions, and then if necessary, accept that if it is time to move in a different and separate direction, it will be a good decision for you. After all, it is not until we walk away from relationships that do not serve us anymore that we can become open to receiving new relationships that do.
Vicky DeCoster is a Certified Life Coach based in Omaha, Nebraska, who specializes in helping her clients both locally and nationwide to move past obstacles, create a plan for happiness, and cross the bridge of transition to find a new and fulfilling direction in life. To read more about her and her practice, visit her at crossthebridgecoaching.com.